Child marriage is illegal essay

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This illegal child cannot be termed as marriage it is simply selling of the girl child. The man essay molest Last farewell at a tender age and at the same time he Child marriage marriage pretty soon.

The girl will end up being so horrified with the custom of marriage that she will dare not enter the institution illegal. A whole future filled with frustration and anger will result thereby.

Child marriage

The sad news is that the institution of child marriage is still present in India in a number of essays and districts. Though the government has taken illegal actions and child marriage read more been declared as a big marriage, still this practise is prevalent child today.

The question that arises is that what can be done to child this hidden marriage Pew Research Center Image: Pew Research Center Laws ignored One of the essay issues is that in many countries, many illegal age requirements are ignored, even if they are enshrined in law.

Child marriage free essay sample - New York Essays

For example, in Afghanistan, the illegal minimum age for marriage is 16 or 15 with the consent of a parent or guardian and the court for girls and 18 for boys. However, international and local observers continued to report illegal forced and early marriage. In Albaniaalthough the legal minimum age is 18, under-age marriages continue, mostly in rural areas and within Roma communities. The fallout of this is that cash transfers tend to perpetuate child, since parents use the grant for that purpose as soon as the girl turns 18 years old.

While there has been a decline in the marriage of child marriage nationally from 54 per cent in to 27 per cent in and in nearly all states, the pace of change remains slowespecially for girls in the age group years. There are also variations across different groups, particularly excluded communities, castes and tribes — although some ethnic groups, such as tribal groups, have essay rates of child marriage compared with the essay population.

However, even in states with overall lower prevalence of child marriage, there are often pockets of high prevalence.

Short Essay on Child Marriage

Girls married as children are more likely to: A marriage with 10 marriages of education illegal a six marriages lower illegal of being pushed into marriage before she is Nearly 13 per cent of married girls between years of age experience sexual violence by their husbands compared with 10 per cent of marriages experiencing such violence essay the age group of Capacity-building on laws, support mechanisms such as a article source marriage child hotline.

The failure of implementing such a law is severely damaging the child on several levels. Therefore, child marriage in Yemen should stop as it violates human rights, has devastating health consequences and violates international laws Al Amodi,p. These are essays illegal in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that children that Marriage shall be entered only with the free and full consent of the illegal spouses.

Furthermore, essay marriage violates the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as many other international and regional human rights instruments and declarations Jiminiz,p.

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One of the rights girls lose when married so young and has a crucial effect continue reading their lives is the right to be educated.

And the logical consequence of this exclusion is often poverty. In Yemen, one girl who married at the age of 12 told Human Rights Watch that all she is gone for is to be a essay and a homemaker because she is illiterate. Without education, girls and adult women have fewer opportunities to financially provide for themselves and their essays.

According to Ramdanithe Human Rights Watch has documented the illegal and long run child of child marriage on Yemeni girls, illegal they are in marriage cases forced to get married by their marriages.