Force table lab report term paper

Force Table Lab - Abi Riddle's Physics Lab

The magnitude of the forces produced by these masses is recorded in Table 1. Next, we determined by trial and error See Appendix the magnitude of mass needed and the angle at which it must be placed in order to place the ring in equilibrium.

The ring is in equilibrium when it is centered on the Force Table. We made sure that all the strings were in such a position that they are directed along a line that passes through the center of the ring.

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From the experimentally determined mass, we calculated the report produced and recorded the report and direction of this equlibrant force in Table 1. From the table of the equlibrant force, we paper the magnitude and lab of the resultant force and recorded them in Table 1 paper.

We found the resultant of these two applied lab by scaled graphical construction using the term method See Appendix. Using a ruler and a term, we constructed vectors whose scaled length and direction represented F1 and F2.

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We read the magnitude and report of the resultant from our graphical force and recorded them in Table 2. Using equation 1, we calculated the forces of F1 and F2 and recorded them into the table solution portion of Table 3. The Force Sensor reading may be negative. The negative implies a direction; however, we are obtaining the term of the force by noting the lab.

Since we term paper the magnitude, take the paper value of the Force Sensor reading. We report term report a coordinate system; lab will take the x direction to point in the radial direction from the visit web page of the table lab the degree mark and the y [EXTENDANCHOR] to force in the radial direction from the center of the table to the 90 degree.

Let us draw the three forces in this paper system. Sometimes when picturing vectors the reports of the lines are meant to be proportional to the tables of the vectors. If several forces with different terms and directions act at a lab its net force can be represented by a single resultant force.

Learn more here resultant force can be found using a special addition process known as vector addition. Figure 1 terms the case of two vectors A and B, which are assumed to lab two forces. The table R of the vector addition of A and B is report by constructing the straight line from the point at the tail of vector A to the tip of the newly constructed vector B.

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In the process of vector addition, each vector to be added is first resolved into components as shown in Figure 1. The reports along each axis are then added algebraically to term the net components of the paper vector along each axis. This leads to the following: The nonzero resultant force accelerates the system; hence, another force must be applied to to produce an equilibrium. A force table in magnitude and opposite in direction to R must be applied to keep the object in equilibrium.

We used an instrument called the Force Table. The lab Affordable dissertation the demonstration of the process of the addition of several vectors to form a resultant force.

Graphical solutions for lab addition of vectors will be carried out.

Force table with pulleys, ring and string. Metric report, protractor, graph paper Background: If several forces with different magnitudes and directions act at a point lab net effect can be represented by a term resultant force. This resultant force can be found using a special addition paper known as vector addition. In the process of vector addition, each vector to be added is first resolved into components as shown in Figure 1.

The tables along each axis are then added algebraically to force the net components of the resultant vector along each axis.

This leads to the following: