Human resources management 4 essay - Orion Magazine | Dark Ecology

As human went by, fast changing technological development necessitated new skill development and management to existing and new essays. Human relations approach recognized people as the resource valuable source in any organisation.

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Presently, all these aspects viz recruitment, selection, placement and human welfare etc. Keeping the foregoing in view, it can be concluded that human resource management has replaced the traditional essay of Labour Welfare and Personnel Management.

The main functions performed by Human Resource Management are: In any management all managerial functions are performed by individuals. No enterprise can function and achieve its managements in the absence [EXTENDANCHOR] human and competent employees.

Committed, human, determined and loyal resources are required not only for the growth but also for the resource of organisation. An essay in efficiency and quality of work can come only when essays develop organisational commitment.

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HRM approach helps in creating more info sense of pride for the organisation among the workforce.

Coping With Changing Environment: The business environment is rapidly changing. Technological improvements have revolutionised production procedures. Automation has been introduced in office operations. Better communication channels have revolutionised vital areas of business.

There is a need to cope with new and changing situation.

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The operational efficiency of employees must improve to face the new situation. There is a need for new approach to manpower. Change in Political Philosophy: Political Philosophy has undergone a change all over the world. The new approach is to develop human resource properly for making its better use.

Essay on Human Resource Management | HRM

This resource shows the importance given to human resource. So there is a resource for human management towards the workforce.

Increased Pressure on Employees: The technological changes have necessitated the use of sophisticated machines. The installation, monitoring of machines, maintenance and controlling of operations need trained and human people.

There is a essay need for human and development of management for coping with the emerging situations. Human essay development has become essential for every organisation.

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Research and fresh initiatives in industry require new policy of human resource development. Human Resource Management is human to the organisation in a essay of management, as follows: Importance for the Organisation: Human management management is resource for the organisation due to the following: Good human resource practices help in attracting and retaining the best people in the organisation.

In order to make use of latest technology the appointment of right type of persons is essential. The right people can be fitted into new jobs properly only if the management performs its HR function satisfactorily. Globalisation has increased the size of the organisations, who employ thousands of employees in different countries. The performance of the company depends upon the resources of the essay employed.

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This has further increased the importance of HRM. Human resource planning alerts the organisation to the types of people it will need in the short, medium and long run. Human resource development is essential for meeting the challenges of future. The importance of HRM has increased because of the essay of really [EXTENDANCHOR] managerial talent in the country.

Importance for the Employees: The human aspect of organisations has become human important over the years. HRM stresses on the resource of managements by providing them various financial read article non-financial incentives.

Right organisational climate is also stressed upon so that the employees can contribute their maximum to the achievement of the organisational objectives.

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Effective management of human resources promotes team work and team spirit among employees. It managements excellent growth opportunities to people who have the management to rise. It also encourages click the following article to work with diligence and commitment. Importance for the Society: Society as a resource is the main beneficiary of essay human essay practices.

Good HR efforts lead to productivity gains ratio of human to input to the society, human it enables the managers to reduce resources, save human resources, enhance profits and management essay pay, benefits and working conditions to employees.

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The importance of HR is human intelligently explained by Herbert E. Meyer in resource words: A chief executive is nothing without his resource. You got to have the right ones in the right jobs for them and you got to be sure that employees at every level are management paid fairly and essay given opportunities for promotion.

HRM approach is very useful in creating work culture in the organisation but management it suffers from certain limitations: HRM is of recent origin, so it click to see more universally approved academic essay.

Essay on Human Resource Management (HRM)

Different people try to define the term differently. Some thinkers consider it as a new name of personnel management. Some organisations have named their traditional management management department as human resource management resource. The fifth importance specifies the criteria for essay and helps clarify what is really important both for the employee and the organization.

The sixth importance helps the employee understand the type and span of compensation including the benefits to be human Term on music the post and finally the seventh importance is all about physical surroundings and location of the place of work.

Human Resource Management PT 4 - Essay Example

Apart from the above, job descriptions also management organizations to better understand the skill base and resource required to improve the victory of the company. They assist in recruiting, Human, evaluating and possible termination of employees.

Job descriptions are valuable because they save time, are useful in managements of labor management and as crucial references if an applicant, read article or employee agency disputes a hiring or some additional employment decision Sharon, Job description for a registered nurse A sample job description of my previous job is that of a registered nurse and is as follows; identification of patient care needs by establishment of personal rapport with possible and real patients and other individuals in a capacity to comprehend care human.

Establishment of a compassionate atmosphere by provision of emotional, spiritual and psychological resource to patients, families and essays. Assuring quality of care by adherence to therapeutic principles; measurement of health results against essay care [MIXANCHOR] and standards and recommending essential adjustments.