29.05.2010 Public by Mezijind

How to plan an english literature essay gcse

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I need to make sure I have the right vocabulary to express what I think.

Essay Plans - Great Expectations: GCSE

I get nothing by dumbing down. I know the mark scheme inside out. I know I need to use quotes to support my response. And I know I need to pick out the best quotes — something really insightful. This is my response: In Futility and Come on, Come back, we see the results of wars past and wars future. Futility shows how war affects the living, how it makes them contemplate life, how it makes you question everything, particularly existence.

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Owen uses the structure of Futility to convey a single event and the subsequent thoughts it evokes. He uses the simple sonnet form to find the essence of what a death brings to him — the feeling of utter pointlessness.

Even though it is much more brief than Come on, Come back, he epitomises the feelings of nihilism and emptiness that death can bring. He uses half-rhyme to create a disjointed, unnatural feel that makes the poem feel strange and creates a strange disjointed harmony.

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This is superbly appropriate for the subject itself. He also builds on the series of questions he asks in the poem to build up to the most profound of all: We destroy each other. Although Come on, Come back is a narrative poem, it still uses the structure to build up to a climax, just as Owen did.

The personas in the two poems are also different: We get to see into his mind and see his thoughts. This helps us empathise with him and gain an insight into his feeling of utter despair and despondency.

Using this persona is interesting and thought-provoking.

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Naming her makes her identifiable. One makes us think that the dead soldier could be anybody. It could be our brother, our father, our husband. The other makes it personal. There are several things we can take from this.

GCSE English Literature - Essay Structure - Of Mice and Men?

This man will not be remembered as an individual. It is not personal. Either we all mourn his death or nobody does, because he is nameless. The other thought is ca a-g requirements by keeping the soldier anonymous, Owen is deliberately trying to show that he could be anyone. Smith shows the effect on one individual. Both take one individual and show the consequences of conflict on them — and by seeing one person, we learn about the effects of war on the individual.

Sample GCSE English Literature poetry essay | Teaching English

It becomes more personal. The literatures in both poems seem largely psychological. In Futility, the damage done by conflict is in how it makes Owen question everything: How gives him no comfort. Yes, the sun gave conditions on earth the ability to generate gcse.

And that work all seems pointless. It leaves Owen desperate for answers and despondent about life. In my fourteen years teaching I must have modelled hundreds of essays. I have likely set and assessed thousands of the blighters. Education homework help go-to strategy has always been to english the essay writing process, to make visible how an expert essay writer thinks.

Students are often left baffled by how fast I can make decisions about my essay, how I can pluck sophisticated academic words seemingly from the ether, and then plan with speed as well. With sore hands and muffled complaints, students have been pulled along on the essay from novice to expert.

AQA English Language & Literature

I went onto write the following about the complexity of essay writing: For English Literature then, we need to distill down that complexity into more manageable diagnostic assessments, so that our students can gradually develop from their novice status towards something like expertise. To use an analogy, writing a great essay is like the creation of a strong rope, with each sub-strand being woven together in unison.

GCSE English Literature Revision - Planning and Structuring your Essay

Each haberman homework solutions of the rope can represent the crucial knowledge required for essay writing success. If we are to teach great essays, then we need to define the strands that will be woven together to form the rope. For my GCSE students, you can refer to the exam board rubrics, but they too often prove vague and not as definitive as we would like.

Writing a Good Essay

I have ignored exam rubrics for this reason. I think there is something useful about the order in which I have presented the strands above. I think the different strands lend themselves to different diagnostic assessments. Knowledge and understanding of social context lends itself to cumulative quizzing. Once students have consolidated these basic facts, they can begin to display understanding of those characters:

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19:11 Tojazuru:
GCSE Rate this article: We can get them to select quotations when given a specific character, theme or prospective essay question.

22:14 Faekus:
With most exams starting at the end of May, the revision plan should be in place by the end of March at least.

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I went onto write the following about the complexity of essay writing: In the research stage, make notes about what you expect to happen, so that you can later compare your expectations with what actually did happen. We offer our customers a wide range of writing services.

15:28 Nikom:
That is to say, those quotations that you can use for a multitude of essay questions, as they encompass many different ideas, themes or issues from the given text. Teaching resources We have translation homework year 5 many English Literature resources to list here so visit aqa. It requires immense understanding and knowledge in the particular subject or topic which unfortunately only experienced and professional writer possesses.