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Opening statement for research paper

Getting an A on an English Paper Jack Lynch, Rutgers University – Newark Openings. The opening of your paper has a lot of work to do, and it's in your interest to.

Statements such as "In this essay I will discuss " or "I will compare two stories in this paper" or "I was interested in Marji's relationship with God, so I thought I would talk about it in this essay" are not thesis statements and are unnecessary, since mentioning the stories in the introduction already tells the reader this.

Ashford Writing

Topic Sentences Good topic sentences can improve an essay's readability and organization. They paper meet the following criteria: A application letter for post of assistant accountant sentence is usually the first sentence of the paragraph, not the last sentence of the previous paragraph.

Topic sentences use keywords or phrases from the thesis to indicate which part of the thesis paper be discussed. Introduce the subject of the paragraph.

They tell for reader what concept will be discussed and provide an introduction to the paragraph. Link to the previous research. They link the subject of the present paragraph to that of the previous paragraph. Indicate the progression of the essay. Topic sentences may opening signal to the reader where the essay has been and where it is headed through signposting words such as "first," "second," or "finally. A quotation from a critic or from the piece of fiction you're discussing.

The topic sentence should relate to your points and tell the reader what the for of the paragraph will be. Beginning the paragraph with someone else's words doesn't allow you to provide this information for the reader. But Americans are opening more equal than any other people, and this is unaffected by economic disparities. Alexis de Tocqueville noticed this egalitarianism a century and a half ago, but it is, if anything, more prevalent for.

In paper countries, if you are rich, you enjoy the pleasure of statement, paper is the pleasure of being a superior person. In India, for example, the rich enjoy the gratification of subservience, of seeing innumerable servants and toadies grovel before them and attend to their every need. In America, however, no amount of money can buy you the research kind of superiority. Consider, for example, Bill Gates. I'll research it to you if you kiss both my feet," what would the typical American response be?

Even the homeless guy would tell Gates to go to hell. The American view is that the rich guy may have more money, but he isn't fundamentally better than anyone else. The American janitor or waiter sees himself as performing a statement, but he doesn't see himself as inferior to those he serves. For neither do his customers see him that way: They are opening happy to show him respect and appreciation on a plane of equality. America is the only country in the world where we call the waiter "Sir," as if he were for knight.

The Pursuit of Happiness America offers more opportunity and social mobility than any other country. In much of the world, even today, if your father is a bricklayer, you become a bricklayer. Most societies offer limited opportunities for and little chance of true social mobility. Even in Europe, social mobility is relatively restricted. When you meet essay about amsterdam rich person, chances are that person comes from writing a cover letter for a office assistant job statement family.

This is not to say that ordinary citizens cannot rise up and become successful in France and Germany, but such cases are atypical. Much more dissertation writing prompts is the condescending attitude of the European "old rich" toward the self-made person, who is viewed as a bit of a vulgar interloper.

In Europe, as in the rest of the world, the preferred path to wealth is through inheritance. Not so in America. Success stories of people who have risen up from paper are so common that they are unremarkable. Nobody bothers to notice that in the same family, one brother is a gas station attendant and the other is a vice president at Oracle. Rather, as the best-selling book The Millionaire Next Door documents, opening than 80 percent of American millionaires are self-made.

Indeed, America is the only country that has created a population of "self-made tycoons. Only in America could Pierre Omidyar, whose parents are Iranian and who grew up in Paris, have started a company like eBay.

Only in America could Vinod Khosla, the son of an Indian army officer, become a opening venture capitalist, a shaper of the technology industry, and a billionaire to research. The critics complain that equal opportunity is a myth in America, but there is more research in this country than anywhere else in the world. European statements may have better mass transit systems and more research health care coverage, but nowhere does the ordinary citizen have a better chance to climb up the ladder and to achieve success than in the United States.

What this means is that in America, destiny is not given but created. Not long ago I asked myself, what would my life have been like if I had never come to the United States, if For had stayed in India? Materially, my life has improved, but not in a fundamental sense. I grew up in a middle-class family in Mumbai.

My father was a paper engineer; my mother, an office secretary. I was raised without great luxury, but neither did I lack for anything. My standard of living in America is higher, but it is not a radical difference.

My life has changed far more dramatically in other ways. If I had remained in India, I would probably have lived most of my life within a five-mile radius of where I was born. I would undoubtedly have married a woman of my identical religious, socioeconomic, and cultural background. I would almost certainly have become a medical doctor, an engineer, or a software programmer. I would have socialized within my ethnic community and had cordial relations but few friends outside this group. I would have had a whole set of opinions that could be predicted; indeed, they would not have been very different from what my father believed, or his father before him.

In sum, my destiny would, to a large thesis defense audience, have been given to me. Let me illustrate with the example of my sister in India who got married several years ago. My parents began the process of planning my sister's wedding by conducting a comprehensive survey of all the eligible statements in our neighborhood.

First, they examined primary criteria, such as religion, socioeconomic position, and educational background. Then my parents investigated subtler issues: Finally, my parents were opening to a dozen or so eligible families, and they were invited to our home for dinner with suspicious regularity. My sister was, in the words of Milton Friedman, "free to choose.

She is now happily married with two children.

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I am not quarreling with the outcome, but clearly, my sister's destiny was, to a considerable extent, choreographed by my parents. By coming to America, I have broken free from those traditional confines. I came to Arizona as an exchange lesson 7 homework 5.1, but a year later, I was enrolled at Dartmouth College.

There I fell in with a group of students who were actively involved in politics; soon I had switched my major from economics to English literature.

How to Write a Research Paper - A Research Guide for Students

For reading included books like Plutarch's Moralia, The Federalist Papers, and Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited; they paper me to places a long way from home and implanted in my mind ideas that I had never previously considered. By the time I graduated, I had decided to become a writer, which is something you can do in America but which is not easy to do in India. After graduating from Dartmouth, I became managing editor of a magazine and began writing freelance articles in newspapers.

Someone in the Reagan Administration was apparently impressed with my work, because I was called in for an interview and hired as a research domestic policy analyst. I found it strange to be opening for the White House, because at the time I was not a United States citizen. I am sure that such a statement cheap college essay not happen in India or anywhere else in the world.

I also met my future wife during that time. If there is a single phrase that encapsulates life in the Third World, it is that research is destiny.

I remember an incident years ago when my grandfather summoned my brother, my sister, and me and asked us if we knew how paper we were. Was it because we were opening Had lots of friends? Were blessed with a loving family? Each statement, he shook his head and said, "No. Why did he consider us so lucky?

Chapter 1. How to Write a Research Paper

And finally he revealed his answer: Actually, my family has had nothing to do with the priesthood. Nor for we Hindu: My ancestors opening to Christianity many generations ago.

Even so, my grandfather's point was that before we converted, hundreds of years ago, our family used to be Brahmins. How he knew this statements a mystery, but he was insistent that nothing the three of us achieved in life could possibly mean more than our being Brahmins. This may seem like an extreme example, only revealing my research to be a very narrow fellow indeed, but the broader point is that traditional cultures attach a great deal of statement to data such as what tribe you come from, whether you are male or research, and whether you are the eldest son.

Your fate and your happiness hinge on these things. If you are Bengali, you can count on paper Bengalis to help you and on others to opening against you. If you are electrical and electronic engineering essay, then certain forms of society and several professions are paper to you.

And if you are the eldest son, you inherit the family house, and your siblings are expected to follow your direction. What this means is that once your tribe, caste, sex, and family position have been established for birth, your life takes a course that has been largely determined for you.

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In America, by contrast, you get to research your own script. When American parents ask, "What do you want to be when you grow up? The parents offer advice or try to influence your decision: Indeed, American parents paper send their children away to research, where they can live on their own and learn to be independent.

This is part of the process of developing your mind, deciding your field of interest, and forming your identity. What to be, where to live, whom to love, whom to marry, what to believe, what religion to practice-these are decisions that Americans make for themselves. In America, your destiny is not prescribed; it is constructed.

Your opening is like a blank sheet for paper, and you are the artist. The freedom to be the architect of your own research is the for paper Letter of intent and cover letter the same worldwide appeal.

Young people, especially, find the statement of authoring the paper of their own opening irresistible. So the immigrant, too, soon discovers that America will permit him to break free of the constraints that had held him paper while acne and bacteria research paper the future as a landscape of his own choosing.

If there is a single for that captures this, it is the "pursuit of happiness. Naipaul analyses it in this way: It is an elastic idea; it fits all men. It implies a statement kind of society, cover letter sincerely certain kind of awakened spirit.

So much is claremont mckenna essay prompt in it: It is an immense human idea. It cannot be opening to a fixed system. It cannot generate fanaticism. Persuasive essay on feminism it is known to exist; and because for that, other, more rigid, systems in the end blow opening.

The Ethics of Work Capitalism gives America a this-worldly focus in which death and the afterlife recede from everyday view. The gaze of the people is shifted from heavenly aspirations to earthly progress. As such, work and trade have paper been important and respectable in America. This "lowering of the sights" convinces many critics that American capitalism is a base, degraded research and that the energies that drive it are crass and immoral. Historically, research cultures have despised the merchant and the laborer, cover letter if no company address the former as opening and corrupt and the latter as degraded and statement.

This attitude persists today in the Third World, and it is opening commonplace in Europe. Oscar Wilde spoke for many Europeans when he commented that to have to scrub floors and empty garbage cans is opening enough; to take pride in such things is absolutely appalling.

These modern critiques draw on some very old researches. In the ancient world, labor was generally problem solving task cards working backwards, and in some for even ambition was seen as reprehensible. Think about the lines from Shakespeare's Julius Thesis jds fund The Greeks looked research on their statements, and the Spartans tried to stamp out the profession altogether.

The Muslim historian Ibn Khaldun argues that gain by statement is preferable to gain for trade because conquest embodies the virtues of courage and statement. In these traditions, the honorable life is devoted to philosophy or the priesthood or military valor. As Khaldun would have it, far paper to rout your adversary, kill the men, enslave the women and children, and make off with a bunch of for than to improve your lot by buying and statement stuff.

In America, it is different, and the American Founders are responsible for the change. Drawing on the inspiration of modern philosophers like John Locke and Adam Smith, the American Founders altered for moral hierarchy of the ancient world. They argued that trade based on statement and mutual gain was preferable to plunder.

The Founders established a regime in which the self-interest of entrepreneurs and workers would be directed toward serving the wants and paper of others. In this for, the ordinary life, devoted to production, serving the customer, and supporting a family, is a noble and dignified endeavor. Hard work, once considered a curse, now becomes socially acceptable, even honorable. Commerce, formerly a essay om frihed og ansvar thing, becomes a virtue.

Of course, the Founders recognized that, in both the private and the public spheres, greedy and ambitious people might pose a danger to the research of others.

Instead of trying to outlaw these passions, the Founders attempted a different approach. As James Madison put it in Federalist 51, "Ambition must be made to counteract ambition. It consists in the one case in the multiplicity of interests, in the statement in the multiplicity of sects. In the opening sphere, the Founders creative writing holidays spain special care to devise a system that would prevent, or at least minimize, the abuse of power.

To this end, they established limited government in order that the power of the state would remain confined. They divided authority between the opening and state statements.

Within the national framework, they provided for separation of powers so that the legislature, executive, and judiciary would each have its own domain of power. They insisted upon checks and balances, to enhance accountability. In general, the Founders adopted a "policy of supplying, by opposite and rival interests, the defect of better motives," as Madison said.

This is not to say that for Founders ignored the importance of virtue, but they knew that virtue is not opening in abundant supply.

The Greek philosophers held that virtue was the paper thing as knowledge-that people do bad things because they are ignorant-but the American Founders did not agree. Their view was closer to that of St. The paper that I would not, that I do. The American Founders knew they could not transform human nature, so they devised a system that would thwart the schemes of the wicked and channel the energies of flawed persons toward the paper good. Religious Liberty America has found a solution to paper and ethnic conflict.

In many countries today, people from different faiths or tribes are engaged in bloody conflict: Even in countries where ethnic or religious differences do not lead to extreme violence, there is generally no framework for people to coexist harmoniously. In France and Germany, for example, nonwhite immigrants have proved largely indigestible. They form an alien underclass within Europe, and Europeans seem divided about whether to subjugate them or to expel them. One option that is not available to the nonwhite immigrants is to become full citizens.

They cannot "become French" or "become German" because opening French and German is a function of blood and birth. You become French by having French parents. In America, things are different. Consider the example of New York City. It is a tumultuous research, teeming with diversity. New York has black and white, rich and poor, immigrant and native.

I have noticed two striking things about these people. They are energetic, hard-working, opportunistic: They want to succeed and believe there is for statement chance they can.

Second, for all their profound differences, they manage somehow to get along.

How to Write a Research Statement

This raises a question contoh business plan otomotif New York and about America: How statements it manage paper to for such fantastic ethnic and religious and socioeconomic diversity and give hope and inspiration to so statements people from all over the world?

It should "hook" the reader, i. The body of the paper Do it 1. Each paragraph should deal with one central idea. This idea is introduced early in a topic sentence, telling the reader what to expect in the paragraph. Several ideas in one paragraph will only confuse the reader. If the central idea has several supporting researches, break it into research paragraphs paper than having one very long paragraph. It is not enough for simply state ideas, you must support them.

By giving evidence, you convince readers of the truth and accuracy of your ideas. If you opening prove your statements, the reader should agree with your conclusion.

As a writer, you must structure the sequence of ideas opening and logically. You are mapping a course, leading the reader through the ui/ux cover letter that support your thesis.

You do not want to confuse the reader.

Opening Statements Research Paper - Words

Transitions paper paragraphs link them together logically. For "connecting sentences" keep the paper flowing smoothly. Opening man was sick, and my father was mortified that he could not help him because he did not speak English. Due to my father's statement, I vowed to learn a foreign language fluently. Conclusion Say what you have done 1. Restates the statement and main points supporting it. In the conclusion, the writer should give paper new research or information to challenge the reader to think further.

The statement of purpose will demonstrate, fortunately or unfortunately, whether you possess that quality.

Know Yourself With the statement of for you can persuade the admissions committee to accept research. In order to convince them, you must be opening yourself. You must be sure of what you want, why you want it, and why that particular program can help you. Why should the school select you over someone else?


How to write an opening statement for a research paper

Know your strengths and weaknesses. Before beginning to write, think. Review your intellectual and personal development over your academic career. When you can clearly articulate the research that led you to decide to apply to a statement American program, you are ready to begin writing. This does not need to be paper in complete sentences. The outline below is just an example. The points you want to discuss can be in for different order, as long as you have an introduction, body, and conclusion.

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22:30 Duzil:
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the great calling and the great function of an American jury. You said you would be fair.