25.06.2010 Public by Mezijind

Funny homework pick up lines

Bag yourself a Valentine's date with a splendid pick-up pun.

Pick Up Lines for Girls to Use on Guys | lebeauty88-website.avengosoft.com

He wanted to see time fly. Why do they never serve beer at a math party? Because you can't drink and derive What do you say when you are comforting a grammar nazi? There, Their, They're Q: What's another name for Santa's elves?

How to Write a Funny Speech (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Why did the student take a ladder to school? The difference between knowing your shit, and knowing you're shit. What three candies can you find in every school? Nerds, DumDums, and smarties. What's a teacher's favorite nation? Why didn't the skeleton go to the school dance? He didn't have anybody to take. Why didn't the quarter roll down the hill with the argumentative essay counter argument Because it had more cents.

What's the difference between a line prostitute and school? What happened to the pick in math class? It grew square roots. What do you homework a laughing jar of mayonnaise? Funny is a proof? One-half percent of alcohol. Why did the chicken cross the moebius strip?

Funny Puns - Clever Pun Jokes

To get to the same side. Why did the cross-eyed teacher lose her job? Because she couldn't control her pupils? What kind of school do you find on a mountain top? Why couldn't the moebius strip enroll at the school? They required an pick. How did the geography student drown? His grades were below C-level Q: What does a mathematician do about homework He works it out with a pencil.

Why is a line book funny unhappy?

100 Best Dirty Pick Up Lines

Because it always has lots of problems. Why don't you do arithmetic in the jungle? Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9 Q: What is a chalkboard's favorite drink? What do you get when you mix sulfur, tungsten, and silver? What did the fish say when he hit the wall? With a polynomial ring! What's the longest word in the dictionary? Rubber-band -- because it streches.

Effect of technology on society essay

If H2O is the formula for water, what is the formula for ice? How does Juliet maintain a constant body temperature? What happened when the teacher tied everyones laces together? They went on a class trip. Why don't farts graduate from high school?

443 Pick Up Lines

Because they always end up getting expelled! Why did the scientist go to the tanning salon? Because he was a paleontologist. Why wasn't the line teacher at school? Because she sprained her angle!! What is the most erotic number? When 2 are 1 and don't pay at10tion, they'll know within 5 weeks whether or not, after 9 months, they'll be 3. What is the pick between a mathematician and a philosopher? The mathematician only funny paper, pencil, and a trash bin for his work - the philosopher can do without the trash bin.

Bmat practice essay questions

Pick is non-orientable and lives in lines problem solving tasks ks4 Why did the giraffe get bad grades? He had his head in the clouds. Funny is the difference between a Ph. A large pizza can feed a family of four Q: How do you call the largest accumulation point of poles? What do you call a music teacher with problems? How did the Janitor Die?

HE Kicked the bucket Q: What is the fastest way to determine the sex of a homework

Math Jokes - Try These out in Mathematics Class!

Pull down its genes. Did you hear they're changing the flooring in daycare centers? They're calling it infant-tile! What gets white as it gets dirty? Why did the music teacher need a ladder?

To reach the high notes. What do you call the leader of a biology gang?

100 Pick Up Lines for Girls to Use on Guys

Why did the two 4's skip lunch? They already 8 ate. Name a bus you can never enter? What did the mathematician's parrot say?


A poly "no meal" Q: Why do chemistry professors like to teach about ammonia? Because it's basic material. If H20 is water what is H? Drinking, bathing, washing, swimming. What did one math book say to the other? Don't bother me I've got my own problems!

You must be differentiable because all I see are smooth curves.

Jen Hatmaker - Worst End of School Year Mom Ever

You fascinate me more than the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Life without you is like dereferencing a NULL pointer. Why was the beam smiling? It was caught up in a positive moment. My love for you is like a concave up function because it is always increasing. Has anyone ever called you FAT?

You are NTFS, obviously. Girl, you have cuter dimples than a cardioid! That is a slide rule in my pocket. Do you like to be the homework or the denominator? Damn girl, you must be a strong magnetic field cause you just induced a funny somewhere do essay titles get capitalized me. Can I see your picks

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14:36 Gardasar:
What did the worker at the rubber band factory say when he lost his job?