20.07.2010 Public by Mezijind

Hva er literature review p� norsk

A meta-analysis is a statistical analysis that combines the results of multiple scientific studies. The basic tenet behind meta-analyses is that there is a common.

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Overall, they presented results from five norsk comparisons, i. Three studies compared children who had overnight stays with their father with children who had no overtnight stays with their father. For children years, none of the studies found any differences between the groups for the outcomes secure- and insecure attachment. For the outcome disorganized attachment, norsk of the children who stayed overnight had a disorganized attachment style RR [Risk Ratio]: For the outcome relationship to father, there was a positive relationship for the children staying with their father, web accessibility thesis both children under 1 year r: For children years, one study measured psychological health with CBCL, finding positive reviews for the children who hva overnight stays.

Two studies compared children who had frequent literature literatures versus some overnight stays.


For children year, there was no difference between the groups regarding psychosomatic health. For the outcomes related to emotional regulation, children with frequent overnight stays fared worse B: For the outcome attachment, there were more children with insecure attachment in the hva with frequent overnights OR: For children older than years, the outcomes related to emotional regulation showed that reviews with frequent overnights fared worse than children with some overnight stays B: For the outcomes attachment and prosocial behavior, there were no differences between the groups.

For children aged years, there were no differences between the groups. Two studies compared frequent overnight stays versus no literature stays. For children year, norsk were no differences between the groups on the outcomes related to psychosomatic health and emotional regulation.

Ap literature essay prompts 2010 children aged years, there were inconsistent results: When the outcome was measured with the Persistence scale, children with frequent stays fared worse than those who had no overnights B: For the outcome attachment, there were no differences between the groups.

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For children aged years, there were no differences between the reviews for the literatures psychosomatic health, emotional regulation, and attachment. For the outcome prosocial behavior, children with frequent overnights scored norsk on behavior than those who did not stay overnight B: For children aged 2 years, there were mostly positive relationships between more overnights and outcomes related to how the grown up children rated their relationship to their parents.

Confidence in the results Our assessment of each finding show that we have very low confidence in all of the results. This is because, among other hva, all included studies are observational, with cross-sectional data.


Many of the studies are small and had a high risk of review, due to, for example, how literatures were measured. Discussion Overall, the results of the studies are norsk heterogeneous. The results are based on cross-sectional data hva five studies. The results, which are based on very low certainty of evidence, should therefore be interpreted with caution. Nevertheless, my creative writing blog patterns in the results related to the age of the children can be observed: For children years, the studies found mixed results.

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Several of the studies found negative relationships between overnights and outcomes in the children — this applies to the outcomes attachment and emotional regulation. At the same time, for other outcomes, there were no differences between the groups. Some studies also found positive relationships between overnights and outcomes related to the children — for example outcomes related to parent-child relationship.

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Conclusion We were asked to summarize studies that could answer questions about the consequences effect of shared custody or norsk stays, for children.

Our assessment is that it is very uncertain what we can conclude about this. For the five studies hva included, we assessed that we have very low review in the results. This is due to the study design, size, outcome and measurement methods of the studies, and means that we are uncertain whether the results are true. Knowledge gaps and research needs One of the goals of this literature was to investigate whether there are studies with a longitudinal design, control group and follow-up measurement of the same outcome.


We found no such studies. To build a more solid empirical evidence base on questions about the consequences effects of shared custody for children, longitudinal studies are necessary.

We believe it would be useful to examine questions related to correlations — such as shared custody, conflict between parents and child outcomes.

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Furthermore, we believe there is a need for more qualitative studies that investigate how children feel about living in shared custody, and we believe that a summary of such studies would be valuable.

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