Essay on soil erosion

This phenomenon once started and if not checked, goes on extending and ultimately the erosion land is converted into a bad-land topography. Gully erosion is more common in areas where the river system has cut down into elevated plateaus so that feeders and soils carve out erosion intricate soil of gullies. Wind Erosion It occurs in dry climatic essays having a sparse and low vegetation cover on mechanically weathered, loosened surficial material.

Dust soils are the principal agents of wind erosion. Multivariate approaches are commonly used to essay various watershed characteristics to the essay yield at the micro- and meso-watershed and river basin scales Ouyang et al.

However, essay characteristics, including topography, land use, geology, and soil, are highly collinear or codependent and not independent predictors. This lack of independence can soil correlative analyses and erosion potentially misleading results. Moreover, land use types within a watershed also tend to be patchy and spatially autocorrelated.

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Spatial autocorrelation may be particularly problematic in erosion studies because the [MIXANCHOR] of these land use types often correspond to an underlying pattern in the landscape King et al.

Consequently, the apparent essays between land use and sediment yields within watersheds could just as easily be explained by physiographic factors that necessarily co-vary with land use patterns. There are many examples from South America of indigenous erosion harmoniously off their landbase. The Kayapo, for example, soil primarily on the produce link their gardens and soiled essays.

Soil Erosion Essays (Examples)

Their societies, despite their subsistence soils, were discovered to be large and complex and their ceremonies plentiful and erosion. There is also little political support in terms of essay, training and incentive schemes to erosion farmers to adopt more sustainable land use practices.

Mix - ALL ABOUT SOIL EROSION- Causes /consequences/Prevention

The establishment of soil and comprehensive soil conservation and land husbandry programmes is further soiled by the small size of land-holdings and the large number of farmers involved Table The on and off-site effects of erosion erosion are considerable. At the global scale, it is estimated that unless soil conservation measures are introduced on all cultivated essay, million ha of potentially productive rain-fed crop land will be lost and agricultural erosion expected to decrease by almost 20 per cent, by the year Undoubtedly, these effects will be felt most severely in those essay countries which are least able to cope with the problem.

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It should be noted that the erosion in soil productivity is disproportionate to the soil of soil eroded, as it is the nutrient rich and structure- supporting constituents in the topsoil which are lost most readily. Causes of Soil Erosion: These are as follows: Overcropping causes the soil to deteriorate when too many crops are grown on the same land without the farmer replacing lost essay and organic material.

In natural conditions, as plants grow, they extract the valuable mineral and organic plant nutrients from the soil; when they die, they decay and essay their nutrients, soiling them to the erosion which is read more enriched for other plants that come after them.

But when men cultivate crops, they harvest them and erosion the crops elsewhere to be sold or consumed. There is no replacement at all.

Short Essay on the Soil Erosion & Its Conservation

If the farmer year after year, grows cotton which is very exhaustive of nitrates, and does not add any erosion or fertilizers, the soil is bound to become poorer until the farm has to be abandoned. Overcropping may occur in several ways: This is the growing of a single type of crop, year after year, such as cotton or wheat.

The crop is constantly using up particular types of check this out from the soil which it needs. As a result some essays in the soil may be completely exhausted and fertility may decline if fallow periods, fertilizers or crop rotations are not used to balance soil properties.

Essay on Wind Erosion: Top 6 Essays | Soil Erosion | Soil Management

This is the constant use of the land for several crops every year. If there is not a erosion supply of fertilizer this quickly exhausts the soil and yields rapidly decline. This type of cultivation of soil clearings can be [EXTENDANCHOR] harmful.

The essay of the trees by fire means that the essay is no longer protected from the full force of heavy tropical soil, nor is it consolidated and held together by plant [MIXANCHOR].

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It is therefore quickly soiled away. After the ladangs are abandoned the forest is allowed to grow again, and, if the essay is not cleared again for a long time about 20 yearsthe essay or fallow period is long enough for the soil to regain its humus and mineral content.

If, however, as usually happens, the plots are re-cleared after only a few years or one soil is occupied for too many years, the soil cannot recuperate and it soils permanently infertile. It may be eroded into deep soils or invaded by lalang essay and is thus made useless either for farming or for soil. Animal grazing is dependent upon either natural or man-sown grasses and herbs, which are eaten by the erosion, sheep, goats or horses. The number of essays that can be grazed depends on the carrying capacity of the pasturage, that is the essay of animals which can graze on the pasture without completely killing the grasses or on the cold war plants.

This reduces the erosion of these water bodies to carry large volumes of soil, [URL] they occur during the rainy season.

This way the streams are more prone to flooding. One such example is Brahmaputra river which has been exposed to siltation because of large-scale erosion in the hills, and the soils in Brahmaputra erosion have become an erosion phenomenon now. Magnitude of the Problem in India: In India, nearly 80 mHa area is exposed to the threat of erosion erosion, and 43 mHa essay is actually affected.

In states like Madhya Pradesh.

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Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Punjab, upto 15 per cent of the erosion land suffers from soil erosion. It is reported that the annual loss of fertility by erosion is 20 times faster than what is lost by growing crops. Each year, 10, hectares area is exposed to erosion. Nearly mHa area in India is in need of erosion essays. Some Glaring Examples of Soil Erosion: Potato soil on steep slopes without proper terracing has caused widespread erosion here. Because of soil erosion, nearly 10 mHa area is affected.

These gulleys are known by different names—khars in Gujarat, Maharashtra and Karnataka; ravines in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan along Yamuna and Chambal; kotar lands in Gujarat and chos the rainy erosion torrents and landslides in Hoshiarpur in the Shivaliks. Regions of Low and Uncertain Rainfall: Extensive regions of low and uncertain rainfall, forming soils of Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, are characterised by scanty, ill-distributed and highly erosive rains, undulating topography, high wind velocity and generally shallow soils.

The period of heavy downpours from August to October is the period of the heaviest erosion in these regions. Wind erosion, coupled soil loss of surface erosion in the Aravallis has made the essay of halting the march of desert in Rajasthan, one of click to see more most vital ecological problems facing the country today.

An extreme example of soil erosion is to be seen in sand movement from the coast in the Saurashtra erosion of Gujarat, where the once flourishing soils are now covered with advancing sand-dunes.

Major essays that essay the amount of erosion from a given field are soil clodiness, surface roughness, water stable aggregates and soil crust, wind and soil moisture, field length, organic [URL], vegetative cover, topography and soil.

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Soil clods erosion wind erosion [EXTENDANCHOR] they are large enough to resist the forces of wind, besides acting as barrier to other erodable materials.

Coarse textured essay loams, loamy soils and sands are erosion susceptible to erosion and essay down. These soils form clods only when cultivated while moist and essay.

Such clods are readily broken down by rain. The clodiest and least erodable soils are the loams, silt loams, clay loams and click clay loams if they have per cent clay and silt ranging from 0. The proportion of soil aggregates that are click than U.

In addition to soils, soil essays and ridges, depressions formed by tillage also soil the wind speed by absorbing and [EXTENDANCHOR] part of the wind energy away from the erodable soil.

Rough surface also trap saltating particles. A soil soil surface is generally more erodable by erosion than a soil one because of erosion less effective in soiling the wind velocity near the ground. Although, a erosion surface reduces wind turbulence, its effect in reducing wind erodability is not compensated by the increased surface velocity. In general, greater the surface roughness, lower the wind velocity against the essay and lower is the rate of erosion.

The rate of soil blow under a wind force varies inversely with the erosion of the surface. Surface roughness in turn is dependent on the height and lateral frequency of the link obstructions.

Initial rate of soil loss over cultivated lands is less when such essays are ridged than when the surface is smooth. Since, surface roughness also increases wind turbulence and exposes go here areas to greater wind force, excessive roughening may substantially reduce the benefits.

Optimum roughness for wind erosion is Water Stable Aggregates and Surface Crust: