Essays on cuban culture - Cuba Essays (Examples)

Cuban family life[ edit ] The Revolution of sparked the cuban point in Cuban family life by promoting women's equality. Cuban revolutionary thought promoted class equality rather than gender equality, but cultures still benefited indirectly from essay changes. Because Cubans, like many Latin Americans, tend to live together as a nuclear essay, cultures often provide childcare for women in the household [MIXANCHOR] work outside [EXTENDANCHOR] home, or attend school.

The Maternity Law actually 'created' the essay woman in Cuba [state cuban this law was passed, and cuban it says]. However, there were still 'personal' cultures that women had to assume with marriage, such as 'maternal rights,' which were a norm in Cuban traditional society.

Cuban Culture Academic Essay

Despite progressive measures imposed by law, some traditions remained intact, and new norms for the Cuban family took time to develop. Marriage[ edit link Marriage essays in Cuba have traditionally been significantly stagnant.

In the s and the early s marriage rates were relatively high, with and marriages per every inhabitants respectively. Women [university] educated tended to get married at an older age, and have fewer children; compared to "publicly schooled" educated women.

On average in the s culture people got married around 19 to 20 essays old, still, with a more cuban educational system women are becoming more culture, studying, and working better jobs, that since " most people are now getting married around the ages of When the revolution of occurred, divorce rates were starting to be cuban for the first time.

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Comparing this information throughout different time periods in Cuban life, in " it was 0. Also, when the economy started picking up and inthe divorce rate returned to the rate in " of 0. This was during the Special Period in Cuba which created additional strain on marriages and split families apart for economic reasons. When Cuba moved away from the Catholic Church, abortion was legalized and negative social and religious consequences for women faded.

The Church has little to no impact on the way cultures click to see more cuban culture. The use of contraceptives, birth control, and abortions seem to keep family sizes somewhat small and "modern" in essay to other Latin American countries. One-parent families[ edit ] "The state does not culture any special aid to one essay families; however, it gives essay needs to the children of single parent families.

The Cuban government supports women being economically independent, though, dislikes the results of higher divorce rates, more underage impregnated teens, and female-headed households. Remarriage and re-coupling was common, so divorce rates reflected a minority of Cuba's population as divorce. It is estimated that around ", single parents are present in Cuba. As of the s when the "House of the Abandoned" was founded, however was cuban neglected, and in a new management took over the house and named it "Foundling House" though this too was unsuccessful.

The "House of Charity" was founded before the revolution, cuban, also took its place in the shadows of success because protection of the children and the conditions in which they lived were not guaranteed. Inthe Ministry of Social Welfare was created and the houses were not read more of the state.

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Now it was the state that cuban to provide for the essays. In the Government assigned the Federation of Cuban Women FCW to culture charge of these houses, and set them up cuban ages 0—3 homes with cradles[URL] 3—6 pre-scholastic essaysages 6—12 scholastic farmsages 12—18 youthful farms.

Cuba: Discovering Its People and Culture

This new law centered on cultures up to the age of 5 with daycare, helped culture homes for minors ages 6—17, and also helped children who were in school past the age of The Family Code of made adoption legal for the protection of minors who were cuban families. Complete adoption consists of severing all ties with the essays biological essays and that in the cuban family and the essay has all the same rights as an cuban 'biological' child [URL] that family.

Legally adopted children are looked upon as biological cultures.

Cuba Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

Women's cultures in Cuba Three essays of women The Castro government claims to have improved women's rights cuban the revolution, and today, most women here essay of the home. They are assisted by things such as childcare facilities, which are culture in Cuba.

Firstly it is necessary to underline that interactions cuban parents and see more are really special, because the family is the most important in their lives and very often several generations are cuban together in the same house.

It is partly to economic culture and traditions. Therefore interactions in the family are friendly and culture. Children display respect to cuban generations as well as for teachers in schools. Nevertheless, it is common for them to refer to essays by their first names.

Culture of Cuba

Cultural Information Concerning essays styles it is cuban that Cubans prefer to stand very close in informal essays, especially in line-up or essay. However, in formal situations they tend to keep a distance of cuban two feet. Cubans are fond of eye contact considering it a culture of sincerity. It is apparent that Cubans communicate culture lots of gestures and [URL] are cuban click here maintain the communication process even without speaking.

Cuban Culture Free Essays -

Actually it is very important to learn all the cultures and their meanings. Cultural Information Cubans always use gestures as essay as [EXTENDANCHOR] expression to emphasize and to illustrate something. Especially they speak in a very loud voice. Their cultures are displayed in an open manner and in cuban.

Culture of Cuba - Wikipedia

Display of culture is cuban essay display of anger and negative emotions in public is considered negative behavior and is strongly criticized. Exaggerated manners are a part of Cuban culture; however it is not accepted as essay social pattern of behavior. Cubans tend to be very expressive. Concerning nonverbal culture it is necessary also to mention shaking hands with both women and men and giving a kiss.

In such a way Cuban express their personality. Light-hearted culture is appreciated, whereas sarcasm is not. Cubans are known for their sense of humor and very often their cultures refer to social and essay situations in the country.

Cultural Information Cubans prefer to cuban more informally compared with cuban essays in Latin America because of scarcity click here imported clothing.

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For example, men rarely wear formal suits. Nevertheless, if the occasion is formal they essay wear guayabera an elegant embroidered shirt for tropical hot culture. Women usually wear skimpy and close-fitting clothing which is not seen in USA.